Essential Eight Assessment Services

Our team of cybersecurity experts are here to perform an Essential Eight assessment

Our Essential Eight Assessment Service provides a comprehensive evaluation of your organisation's cyber security posture, based on the Australian Cyber Security Centre’s (ACSC) Essential Eight mitigation strategies. These strategies are designed to mitigate cyber threats and protect your systems against a wide range of attacks. Our service assesses your organisation’s current compliance level with the Essential Eight and provides tailored recommendations for improvement.

Key features:

Comprehensive Assessment - Evaluate your organisation's implementation of the Essential Eight mitigation strategies.

Gap Analysis - Identify areas where your current security measures fall short of the Essential Eight requirements.

Tailored Recommendations - Receive actionable recommendations to improve your security posture and meet Essential Eight compliance.

Risk Management - Understand the risks associated with non-compliance and prioritise remediation efforts.

Reporting - Get a detailed report that outlines your current assessment status, gaps, and a roadmap to achieve full alignment with the Essential Eight.

Why choose our services?

Expertise - Our team comprises certified cyber security professionals with deep knowledge of the ACSC guidelines and the Essential Eight mitigation strategies.

Customised Approach - We tailor our assessment to your organisations’s specific needs, ensuring relevant and practical recommendations.

Ongoing Support - Beyond the initial assessment, we offer ongoing support to help you implement recommended changes and maintain compliance.

Proven Methodology - Our assessment framework is aligned with ACSC recommendations.